Empower Entertain Empowertain Gamestorm Gamification!


By unleashing the player within blending the Science of Success with the Art of Game Design

– Meet Anirudh Cheruvu

Gamification Thought-leader, Game Designer,

Business Coach, Author, Speaker

My Mission

My mission is to gamify 1 Million goals.

My Whisper

Turn your life into a playground where you can develop the speed and valour required to succeed.

Make success poetic, an artistic masterpiece by playing your life full-on as a game!

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Gamify your life


Choose your
Magic Elixir

We are born to play life, the first game we loved was Pick a’ Boo! Somewhere down the line, we left the hand of the player inside us. The player who is ever curious (believe me, curiosity doesn’t kill the cat, ignorance does), ever inquisitive, and ever playful. Whether you are chasing your personal or financial goals or running a business, GAMIFY!


It’s time to reconnect, to the purpose and to our natural self. Gamification can be a powerful force for achieving your goals. Success in life or business is a Couldron of magic Elixirs. Accelerate your success by picking one of these or best, mixing these.

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...and they said ?


I spent the last couple of years with Billy Joel’s Vienna literally being my life anthem. ‘So much to do and only so many hours in a day’ was something I could relate to as almost every other day ended up with me going to bed feeling frustrated about how I just didn’t find the time to work out, do a course of my choice or even take a deep breath and relax. That’s when Anirudh stepped in and tried to help me out with ‘Questika!’, a gamified goal-setting program and boy, did it work wonders. I felt like a few hours had just been miraculously added to my day and with Questika I felt highly motivated to achieve my career goals & pursue my other hobbies and interests. Since it was personally crafted based on my aspirations & had a number of unexplored layers, I couldn’t help but go back to it for more. I would highly recommend this wonderful personalised gamified program to anyone & everyone under the sun because it made me realise that we’re not living to our full potential when we honestly really can.

Creative Professional


Anirudh Cheruvu is an excellent business coach to work with. Very knowledgeable in his craft, his communication and professional skills are top notch. I highly recommend working with him.

June Chapman
Beauty Therapist

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